Thursday, March 21, 2013

Light Art Assignment

This Shot was taken in my basment.
To get this shot I got my Dad to wave a flash light with a
red plastic bage over it for colour and I
took a 15 second exposure of him and then turned on the light.

Journal Entry Three

In this assignment our task was to get four diffrent shudder speed shot types
-one action shot
-one panning shot
-one strobe shot
-one light painting shot

 Action shot
To get a shot like this you need a very short exposure speed
and a high iso setting so you can easily freeze the moment.
Panning shot
This is a panning shot where your target is in "focus" but the back ground
is blurry. A shot like this requires a 1/2 - 3 second exposure
and you to move the camera with your target to get
them in focus and you background blurry.
Strob Photography
To get a shot like this you need a dark room a flashing light source
and a subject to shoot. As your subject moves it gets frozen in place.
It requires a longer exposure.
Light Painting
Light painting is where you take a ligt source and
take a long exposure shot of the light moving.
So it captures all the movment of your light source forming
the "shape" of what what you drew.